Monday, 9 March 2009

Brave New World

Twitting is having an effect on my blogging. I never used bloging to build up segments of posts until now. My twitter is not very personal either, it is reflexive, it talks about things closed to my heart, but it is not describing of what 'I am doing now' but what I think is happening within Anthropology that I feel close to my heart. I use Facebook for the 'I am doing now'.

I feel slightly dispossed with blogs and twitts and other projects that do not reflect the 'I am doing now' kind of thing...maybe I should...

It must be said that opening Facebook and updating the 'I am doing now' it is like doing a bit of yoga. It forces me to think about the 'now', about 'doing', and about what gets actually broadcasted from that 'now' and 'doing'. As liberating as it is, it also works well as a self-monitoring device of our reflexive instances.

Blogging...Another issue for me is of course, editing. Once I have written something, no matter how careful I was it always needs editing and re-editing. I was just reading a previous blog and I ended up tired, tired of thinking how long it would take me to edit it to a point of happiness.

Twitting in this sense is a relief. I love twitpics too.

I am using these for my next conference update, wednesday this week. I will twitt the event and twitpic from the conference itself.

Anna's G1 is a beauty...wish I could upgrade my new mobile 'now' to an Android G1. It would facilitate twitting. Well, up to a point.

My favourite application of the Android G1 is the steamy glass, oh, what a fantastic app.

So, I have decided that I will make use of this blog in a slightly different way than my other ones...

Angels is...
Angels is looking for the accent in her name À,

Àngels is...
Àngels is having a lunch break and updating her Blog.

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